Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Opinions

Id like to make a little change to the format today and express some personal opinions of mine.

In my speaking with people I will, generally, be candid with my responses and opinions. Frankly I still hold out hope that we as a society have evolved (were not intelligently designed)to the point where the free exchange of ideas and philosophy could be share with out fear of a attack on ones character or a madman packing a chest bomb blowing up your recreation center. However people on the whole are doggedly determined to prove that belief wrong every single day. Now I'm not talking about the news daily goings on of the world, really I don't take those into consideration when making this statement, no this is all people i converse with face to face or at least have the misfortune of reading their thought process online.

So, you may ask yourself where am i going with this, and to answer that I wanted to give some examples of the disheartening crap that I have encountered on my normal routine. So about my views, I don't believe that I force them on anyone (at least not the major ones, I might jokingly go back and forth with you on a video game or movie), however once I make a statement about my own world view that conflicts with someones point of view they react negatively.

For an example my stance on children, I have a strong dislike for kids, don't get me wrong I wish them no harm, however don't stick me with a kid and expect me to light up like a fucking Christmas tree either. It inevitably happens when i am at a gathering and someone starts talking about their kids, or worse yet pull out the pictures, like clockwork the question is posed to me what my opinion of kids is or they offer me the picture. When asked my opinion I state I don't like kids, or if offered a picture I will glance at it and hand it back.Here's how the situation proceeds from here:

Situation 1-I state i don't like kids and immediately i get one of 3 reasons, the playful "Oh you'd like mine".... the frown/snear......or my favorite the interrogation "Why don't you like kids?", I state my views and they will attempt to swade me to the love of kids side, the kids are cute argument is a classic. Guess what they are not cute, puppies and kittens are cute in fact I would go as far to say that most other mammalian offspring have a huge edge on the "cute" factor at 4 weeks post birth than then any human baby has. After this they will either relent and Ill have a awkward moment or two with that person every once in a while based on this exchange, or they will say "Oh you'll change your mind when you have kids." Unlikely. While im on the subject, parents can fuck off if they dont control their kids, if your child is doing something to disturb me or my personal space and you are taking no action to correct the action (this is at a minimum 5 minutes of the action going on) I will say something to them, I will never touch a child, only words except in the extreme say they steal from me then I will stop them. If they are tugging on me pulling at my property messing with my purchases at a store or disturb me at a restaurant, guess what your child's freedom takes a back seat to mine. I'm an adult you are an adult and are responsible for your child, but I am responsible for me and will voice my objection to their action and funny thing this is the point when most people decide to be parents. Fucking deal with it, you wanted to reproduce have fun with your life choice.

Situation 2- If i get shown a picture of a kid or kids I don't find it exciting and I wont comment on what lovely kids you have or ask about them, I will look at the picture and hand it back to you being polite. I don't refuse to look at the pictures you want to take the time to show me your family, thank you for the gesture, don't get pissed when I don't respond like everyone else you show that picture. I have one exception to the above statement, I don't want to see your ultra sound pictures, I have some x-rays at home if I want to see some amorphous black and white pictures, thanks, Or I could got online and look at ultrasound of the 100 billion other human fetuses that are online, because guess what its a fetus in gestation, its identical to every other one in the world unless somethings wrong. Also I myself don't fawn over a pregnant person because they are pregnant I don't view it as a miracle, in fact I fully define the fetus for what it is, a parasite, (look up the definition of parasite and tell me if im wrong.) Again I don't go around punching expectant mothers in the stomach cause Im a heartless bastard, but I don't ooh and ahh over the situation either.

With the above situations I am in no way belligerent or rude in making the statements and I don't wish any ham on children or their parents. Its your choice to have kids, I do not have to, however, tolerate children for the sake of them being children in a public place where its not warranted (I avoid chuck E. Cheese for this reason.) How ever I'm fucking sick and tired of kids in movies, again its your choice to have kids so you get to stay home if they cant keep quiet during a film, or in a restaurant don't let your kid cry and carry on your conversation.

On to the next main point of contention I encounter, and this one is more seldom than the one above actually. Religion/ Evolution, cause for some reason either topic leads to the other in all my conversations. Now to give you a background on myself, I feel evolution is the only logical explanation for the proliferation and variety life in form and function, the story of creation and intelligent design are little more than fiction to me (except.) For religion I don't follow any doctrine currently I can see no proof for any of them however I do leave leave an open mind to all views and data that can be supported, haven't found any for organized religion other than people seem to like to take time out of their lives to sit quietly and listen to some one who's not a comedian for a few hours a week, go figure. Now on these topics I only get one of two responses, the first is the debate. Now the debate I never want to get into and it is the most likely to draw other people into the conversation, because the more people that argue against you the more wrong you are, yeah that's how it works. I generally will brush all of it off unless pushed and I have to be in the right mood to get pushed there. After the debate I get the "Im sorry you feel that way." "Ill pray for you" and the one I have heard once "You're going to hell." yeah threats work.

In the above situation there is no winning this you both consider the other wrong at the start and I have yet to have anyone relent while speaking with them. For some reason the lack of agreement to their world view seems to incense them. Again I explain my point of view for thier understanding I don't attempt to convert them that's not my "mission" (pun intended.)

The last issue I have goes more to what I encounter everyday. My sense of humor is often not appreciated in many circles. I can usually take any event and make it a joke for my self and others, I never seriously say the phrase "Too Soon?" After a statement, Guess what if it makes me laugh mission accomplished and I will not apologize for attempting to make myself happy. Now when making the joke in my mind I do take into consideration the crowd on if I let it out or not and if I have to internalize it then I may show a smirk. Often on one of these smirking occasions the party closest to my with inquire what I'm thinking, now if I think they can handle it I will issue a warning before proceeding and go on their response however if it is some one I don't know or knows has a more vanilla sense of humor than I do, I keep my mouth shut. However if they wanna hear it, that's fine the more the merrier, and they may get offended but they asked to hear it. I believe the moment we are able to joke about something, it doesn't diminish the even but it does help us remember it in a fonder way helping us move on or discuss it openly depending on the situation.

Wow, that was cathartic, didn't mean for that to go on for as long as it did, but the above is my world view. Its ok to disagree with me, and its ok for me to disagree with you, that's what makes us individuals. I hope at one point we as a race can exchange ideas such as these openly, with out fear of repercussions. Until that day thank you for reading if you got this far, and stay tuned for more.

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