Now the following my seem odd for posting this on a blog site considering the following subject matter, but this is my blank space on a wall and I am gonna post my thoughts to the world. i am not a teenager, I am in my early twenties, however I must say that I feel especially concerned about a good majority of my so called fellow "generation".
My main concern is the lack of sophistication of today's youth. While there may be a large amount of information available online that could enrich the understanding of the world and its culture, it is not utilized. It seems that there is a generally devolution of the need or want to explore something outside yourself, instead we are fast approaching the eventual implosion in our own self interests. It seems that more and more often challenges to anyone's world view is not met with a open conversation or debate, but a heated defensive diatribe about why what you are presenting could not possibly be correct. For example pro-choice/pro life Christians/science (come on you get enough of one religion in a room they all have a issue with some part of science not just evolution)This disturbs me because younger people have, in my experience, been the most stubborn of the advocates for their chosen belief. In this age with easy and freely available information I would hope that people would be more open to all sides of a argument, but the opposite is happening people are researching their one and only stance soo deeply and only finding arguments against the counter point not seeking understanding. Now I am sure there are people out their that are intelligent enough to hold a open discourse with that does not degrade to a shouting match, but on the net no one hears them. A braying ass is louder than a reasonable voice on the Internet.
Another part to this issue is that their seems to be a dumbing down of the country. In the news important issues are pushed aside for celebrity bullshit, who the fuck cares if the Jonas brother made a abstinence pledge! By the way i would not be surprised if they went on tour in Europe and were found in Amsterdam after being missing for a week stoned out of their minds with ever STD known to man and few that aren't and a hooker bill that could choke a whale. But I digress, fake news takes away from real news and when real news finally gets air time do we get all the details, no we get the interpretation of the details by a panel of reporters or for fucks sake Joe the plumber. Four to five talking heads "discussing" (read: talking at each other, not hearing) about a general degradation of the Arctic shelf for 4 hours is not reporting, its stroking your ego and doing a disservice to the public that is unfortunate enough to view this shit. No one jive a rats ass what Ann Coulter thinks about this shit, present the facts and do your job, Walter Cronkite didn't seem to have an issue neither should you. If you must express your opinion, give the facts of the story then do an editorial, its that simple. This current media system is not aiding the public in staying informed in any way shape or form. This filter on all information (through the television and print at least) does not aid to open discourse about issues that matter ( what dog president Obama is getting is not an important issue, sorry ASPCA) an it will not aid us in growing as a society or individuals. So on the news front please attempt to get your information not from someones opinion of the situation but a source that does not attempt to dumb down or spin the story to the needs of the reporter or the company that they work for.
It also seems that we as a country are reverting in our group mentality, more than ever we should be discussing our place in the world and how we affect it, but at the slightest mention that something may be incorrect in our military policy, our foreign policy, you are accused of being any number of things that happen to be the buzz term of the time, right now its socialist. On the topic of all forms of government they all work on paper pretty well, socialism, Communism, capitalism,all are good choices its people that are the problem, people become corrupted, people lie cheat and steal and that causes a poor image of the government that the wrongs happen to have been committed under. This form of discussion where one side covers its ears and does not hear will not aid us as a people at all we need to listen. Our thought processes seem to be moving backward as well, for example attempting to teach intelligent design as a science, seriously? INTELLIGENT DESIGN IS NOT A SCIENCE, there is no empirical proof, no testable theory, or thesis, but if you bring this up to anyone who supports it they don't want to hear it, TAKING SOMETHING ON FAITH IS NOT SCIENCE BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE IT TO BE TRUE IS NOT SCIENCE, ITS FAITH PLAIN AND SIMPLE I would like to present this saying "I can hope in one hand and shit in the other" and I would have proof of the shit. The very fact that this was considered in this country to be taught to our youth is near lunacy, and don't think "teaching about creation is gods will" that's all well and good but guess what some people would rather learn about science in science class than religious teachings that may or may not be their own. Also we need to grow some thicker skin, people walking on egg shells for something as simple as the mention of sexual intercourse or the human form, ITS A BASIC GENETIC IMPERATIVE AND BODILY FUNCTION, IT FELLS GOOD, ITS NOT DIRTY, DEAL WITH IT. The fact that we have to make sure no one is offended at all times is not serving anyone, what if some one was offended by the heart transplant, or the television and we reacted as we do today? Silly Questions? Not really, stem cell research, cloning, and any other of numerous advances are or may be on hold cause it got up someones ass. These advances are a good thing, learn to think outside yourself and maybe you would see that, just because you don't need them it does not make them evil or wrong.
I believe that we need another renaissance a free flowing exchange and collaboration of ideas with little fear of retaliation, or religious intervention. Think what would happen, every one open to new information, with knowledge in all subjects shared by the masses working to personal and global goals and aspirations. It seems that after some one is out of school they stop learning, or seeking knowledge, you should never stop seeking self improvement and let noting stand in your way. If you happen to come to a realization about yourself, your belief, or the world around you, congratulations epiphanys are hard to come by and though it may change your like, its better to live your truth than the truth thrust upon you by someone else.
Well that was another rant that I had not planed but their it is, as for the youth of America I would hope they would have open minds enough to make the future brighter, unfortunately half of them will be like their parents that pounded their own belief structure onto the blank slate of their child. Although the current trend in music needs to fucking stop this cookie cutter (heh) emo shit sucks. Go out read some philosophy, look at some views that challenge your and learn about them and find if they are so wrong.
Holy Moly Wall O Text.